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spotless launches on 10/10/10!

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On 10 October 2010 people all over the world will take part in a Global Work Party, initiated by and supported by a host of other organisations.

The day 10/10/10 has been chosen as a moment when people everywhere celebrate concrete climate solutions and send a clear message to “leaders” that we are already at work tackling the issues of climate change, despite their disappointing performance in this area. The day will be marked by over 7,000 events in countries around the world. People are coming together to make real contributions to the changes the world desperately needs, and to celebrate their work. Events range from tree planting to solar installations and on through every imaginable initiative, both small and large.

At spotless we have worked long and hard to enable us to launch the site in time to take part in this historic global event. If change is to happen, as it must if we are to escape disastrous runaway climate change, real action is vital. Symbols are important, but only if they inspire real change. This day is special in that it combines symbol and action: the symbolic synchronicity of many people’s work for one purpose, celebrated on one day, everywhere; and the concrete labour of changes actually taking place, not merely being called for. 10/10/10 is more than just a symbol, because we need more than that.

In the spirit of 10/10/10, we sincerely hope that spotless will likewise be much more than just a website, and that the visitors who come here will do more than just browse. We urge you to try out the recipes and suggestions and to learn and think about the products that you expose yourself and your environment to. If you like what you see, pass it on. When more and more of us embrace the freedom, and make the changes, that spotless encourages us to, a great deal can be achieved. For a start we will halt the industrial production and use of many synthetic chemicals that are unnecessary and harmful, to the benefit of us all.

Here’s to a wildly successful Global Work Party on 10/10/10, marking the beginning of a massive groundswell of positive transformation around the world. Nothing less will suffice. At spotless we are proud to be taking part, and proud of you for joining us!

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